Wednesday, 9 May 2012

SQL Statement to add Client and Subject attributes to segments

In some projects clients send us translation memories mostly in TMX format. In general I don't import them directly into my TM (Big Mama) but create a new, project specific TM and import segments into this new TM.

Déjà Vu X2 (DVX2) displays search results hierarchically based on Client, Subject and Date information, e.g. an exact or fuzzy match with the same Client and Subject attributes will be displayed above other matches in the AutoSearch Results window. So far, so good but how do we add such information in the TM?

Now we have a new project created for the Client 'AAA Agency' and the Subject of translation is 'Forestry', we have already created the project and imported the files and we have also created a new TM and imported the TMX file. Time to add/overwrite Client and Subject information in the TM.

Using SQL statements is the easiest way.

NOTE: The following SQL statements will add or overwrite Client/Subject attributes for all segments in the TM, if you want to change these attributes for a subset of segments, e.g. translations entered for a specific project, file, client or between specific dates, we need to use other SQL statements.

When we click on Translation Memory > Execute SQL... menu, a window is opened: Execute SQL window. We will first add (overwrite) the Client name. Write

UPDATE Translations SET Client = '009'

and click on Execute.

009 is the Client Code for AAA Agency in our example, please replace it accordingly (you can see Client Codes and Names at Tools > Options > Clients).

Now it is time to add (overwrite) the Subject for all segments. Again in the Execute SQL window we write

UPDATE Translations SET Subject = '630'

and click on Execute.

630 is the Subject Code for Forestry in our example, please replace it accordingly (you can see Subject Codes and Descriptions at Tools > Options > Subjects).

We can even use a single SQL statement to change both the Client and the Subject.

UPDATE Translations SET Client = '009', Subject = '630'

The other way round

You can also delete all Client and Subject attributes in your TM with a SQL statement. Normally we don't need it because when exporting to TMX format we can add which extra information will be added.

But sometimes we share the TM, e.g. the dvmdb, dvmdx and dvmdi files, not only a TMX file. In that case we can use the following SQL statement:

UPDATE Translations SET Client = '', Subject = ''

Easier way to find the Client and Subject codes

The built-in Subject list is a long one with more than 400 subjects and hopefully you have a long Clients list as well. But it is difficult to remember the codes in such long lists when writing a SQL statement. There is always a solution: Filter.

Typing the first few letters of the Subject will shorten the list.


Same filter box is available in the Clients list as well.